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Donald Trump demands apology from Hillary Clinton after 'disgusting' debate claim

Donald Trump is demanding an apology from Hillary Clinton for what he called a "disgusting" claim in Saturday night's Democratic presidential debate
from which her campaign has subsequently walked back.
Clinton said Trump had become the terrorist group ISIS' "best recruiter." She went on to say: "They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."
Those claims were subsequently questioned, leading Trump to say Clinton made them up and prompting an awkward defense from the Clinton campaign, which said the candidate didn't have a specific video in mind.
"I will demand an apology from Hillary. She should apologize," Trump said Monday on the "Today" show. "She lies about emails, she lies about Whitewater, she lies about everything. She will be a disaster as president of the United States."
Trump added in a tweet Monday morning that Clinton's claim was "disgusting."
The "Today" show's Matt Lauer asked Trump whether it was fair to demand an apology in light of some of Trump's own claims. Trump last month asserted that "thousands" of Muslim-Americans in New Jersey cheered in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a claim that has been widely disputed by fact-checkers.
The Clinton campaign has since backpedaled slightly on its candidate's comments.
When asked what Clinton was referring to Saturday night, campaign spokesman Jesse Ferguson pointed Business Insider to a comment from Rita Katz, a cofounder of the SITE Intelligence group who is an expert on ISIS propaganda. Katz has said ISIS follows "everything Donald Trump says" and points to Trump's proposed Muslim ban as proof that America hates Muslims.
Clinton's campaign also sent Business Insider a tweet from an alleged ISIS sympathizer's account that commented on Trump's refusal to rule out the potential creation of registry for Muslim-Americans.
Clinton campaign communications director Jen Palmieri told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that Clinton "didn't have a particular video in mind" when she made the comment. But she said Trump was being used by ISIS in social-media propaganda.

View Trump's tweets on the matter below:

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