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What are the Benefits of Training and Skill Upgradation?

Benefits of Training and Skill
You should consider yourself fortunate that after completing your university education you have landed in your coveted job. However, bear in mind that it is easier to get into a job but much more difficult to sustain it. If you do not keep yourself updated on the developments in your chosen field and also do not upgrade your skills chances are that you will be left behind and your peer group will move up the corporate ladder.
Remember the hard labour you put in at the time of your university examinations. These examinations earned you the degrees which helped you get into your job. Now you have to realize how much more you have to strive to retain and rise in your career. This is where training and skill up-gradation comes into play and provides the required platform.

Benefits of learning

In the first place let us understand how professional training is beneficial to the individual and to the organization.

Benefits to the individual

  • Individual requirement – learning provides you the confidence boost on the tasks being handled by you
  • Reputation in the industry – a knowledgeable person is always considered an asset and earns respect and regard of his colleagues
  • Freedom from stress – as you gain knowledge on your task you begin to enjoy your work which increases your output without putting you to undue stress and strain. In the long run it means freedom from stress related medical complications.

Benefits to the organization

  • Organizational requirements – every organization has laid down minimum standards of knowledge and skills required from employees handling specialized tasks.
  • Legal requirements – knowledge on task being handled and also handling of safety gadgets during emergencies constitute legal requirements
  • Rotation of job functions – trained manpower can always be switched between different tasks and this serves to meet committed deadlines.

Suggestions for training and skill upgradation

Suggestions for Individuals
  • Be on the lookout for training avenues. It can be programs offered by professional organizations, workshops and quality improvement programs. Bring such information to the knowledge of your management and seek consent for participation
  • Always be on the lookout for Internet based information resources and e- courses which will help to keep you updated
  • Develop reverence for your instruments, machines and tools. These are the means of your livelihood and will develop in you an increasing urge to know more about them.
Suggestions for Organizations
  • Encourage growth through training and skill up-gradation. Skilled manpower is an asset and will pay dividends over the long term
  • Many organizations feel that they incur cost in terms of loss of man-hours and productivity due to training activities. Secondly there is an underlying fear of exodus of trained manpower. This fear is unfounded because only skilled manpower can provide greater productivity. Even if skilled manpower moves to different organizations it brings good name to the previous group for its training policies
  • Training offers a win-win proposition to both the organization and the employee. It proves beneficial at any stage of your career as there is always scope of learning more than what you already know.
Adopt the habit of learning something new every day TODAY. Do not postpone for tomorrow.
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