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Jihadi Princess' jailed for supporting Isil with 20,000 Tweets

make –up artist who dubbed herself the “Jihadi Princess” and said she wanted to marry Jihadi John has been jailed for posting up to 20,000 Tweets in support of Isil.

Zafreen Khadam, 32, shared graphic videos and images of Isil violence that included a video of a Jordanian pilot being burned alive, alongside the message “good riddance”.

The unemployed Sheffield woman, who had previously worked at House of Fraser and Harvey Nichols, also shared a photo of the beheading of the American journalist James Foley and calls to kill disbelievers' in America and Europe.
Sentencing her to four and a half years, a judge said her spreading of propaganda from Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isil) had put the public at risk.
In messages to friends in 2015, Khadam, suggested she wanted to go to Syria to marry Mohammed Emwazi, - the Londoner unveiled as Isil executioner Jihadi John, who was killed in a drone strike later that year.
Zafreen Khadam jailed for posting 20,000 Tweets in support of IsilKhadam called herself 'Jihadi Princess' online
And when she was confronted by one person online who said what Isil was doing was not in the name of Islam, she replied: “IS aren't doing anything wrong. I will support them as much as I can."

Khadam was convicted of ten counts of disseminating terrorist material after a short trial at Sheffield Crown Court.
Over a five week period in February and March 2015, she tweeted up to 20,000 times and shared Isil execution videos on social media.
She set up 14 Twitter accounts to share messages, including one under the name “Jihadi Princess”.
Khadam wept loudly in the dock and shouted “no, no, no” as she was sentenced.
Judge Julian Goose QC said her defence, that sending the messages and sharing images and videos were a form of research, had been rejected.
Zafreen Khadam jailed for posting 20,000 Tweets in support of IsilKhadam said she wanted to marry Jihadi John
"It is particularly shocking that you made such images your favourites and made your profile open to the internet to see,” he said.
"It was only when you were arrested on March 27 that you stopped. Had it not been for your arrest, I am satisfied you would have continued what you were doing.
"You created a note pretending that all of this was research. That document was a deliberate lie to try to bolster your defence."
"There is no evidence that your conduct has led to terrorist acts but the nature of the internet and it's global reach means your spreading of IS propaganda causes a serious risk to the public here and abroad.”

Detective Chief Superintendent Clive Wain, from the North East counter terrorism unit, said: “Khadam was prolific in her use of social media and showed little regard for the consequences of openly sharing deeply disturbing images and material across a number of digital platforms.
“Much of this material encouraged violent action and was very extreme in the violence it portrayed.
“Today’s verdict I hope sends out a strong message that actions such as those carried out by Khadam will not be tolerated and ourselves, together with policing colleagues and other partner agencies, will bring those who are breaking the law to justice.”


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