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Labour Union explains cause of salary delay

The National Union of Textile Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN) has attributed the plight of Nigerian workers through delayed payment of salaries and diversion of bailout funds to division in the apex labour movement.

NUTGTWN General Secretary and former Vice President of NLC, Comrade Issa Aremu said: “The current assault on the work force such as delayed payments of salaries, diversion of bail-out funds are made possible because comrades are not united in mass actions against bad employers and bad Governors.”
Aremu, who addressed the press in commemoration of this year’s workers’ day alongside the President of the Union, Comrade John Adaji however, called on labour unions affiliated to Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to critically use the occasion of May Day to get united for a vibrant labour movement.
According to Aremu, “We regret that as we point two accusing fingers at bad governors and bad employers, the remaining three fingers point at us too who are unacceptably divided against ourselves rather than united against common class enemy.
“It’s time we close ranks to ensure we have an NLC that commands the confidence of workers, be trusted by the public, respected by the government and employers.
“To this extent our union calls on NLC leaders at all levels to immediately implement the report of the NLC Reconciliation Committee under the Chairmanship of Alhaji Hassan Sunmonu aimed at resolving the avoidable crisis arising from 11thDelegates Conference last year.
“Textile Union is not happy that NLC could not have a common May Day in spite of the joint resolutions of all the parties to put the past behind. We commend Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, Alhaji Hassan Sunmonu, Comrades Ayuba Wabba and Joe Ajaero for the signed resolutions. It is however time we all implemented these resolutions with sincerity of purpose.
“We need a united NLC to fight the issue of unpaid salaries, the struggle for improved minimum wage, the war against corruption, revival of industries and the creation of mass decent employment among others. If we operate separately, we will be defeated separately, but if we are united we shall overcome. We must stop ‘comrades-on comrades’ quarrels,” he said.
However, the union commended both the Governor of Cross River State, Professor Ben Ayade and Gov. Adams Oshiomhole of Edo for their pronouncements in restoring the dignity of labour during the 2016 May-Day celebrations nationwide.
“At a period when not less than 22 states default in payment of salaries of the workers, Ben Ayade of Cross Rivers state announced the payment of May salaries of workers in the employment of the state government while  Edo governor, Adams Oshiomhole on Sunday announced the increment of the National Minimum Wage from N18,000 to N25, 000 with immediate effect, for employees in the State Public Service.
“The two governors have by their pronouncements demonstrated that the crisis of non-payments of salaries in most states is contrived, artificial, self serving on the part of the defaulting governors. It is not the lack of means and resources to pay their workers, but sheer lack of willingness to abide by the spirit and content of the 1999 constitution which says that the primary function of the government is the security and welfare of the citizens. It is a class war the defaulting governors are waging against their workers through denial of wages. In a decent country, there is always enough for the needs of all, including workers, but not enough for the greed of rulers, some governors inclusive.
“We commend both Governors of Edo and Cross River for breaking ranks with the gang of some insensitive greedy governors who assign little resources to labour as a critical factor of development, but throw scarce resources to phoney projects by ghost contractors in the garb of infrastructural Development. With respect to Edo, Comrade governor has also shown that wage payment is not just a function of ability to pay, but willingness to muster the ability to motivate the work force for productivity and development,” Aremu said.

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